Winter 2021 Update

Message from the President

Dear fellow members and supporters,

It is with great honor that I have stepped into the Princess Louisa International Society President’s position for the 2021-2022 fiscal years, and want to thank our immediate past President, Rob Rothe for his outstanding service over the last few years. During that time, several important land acquisitions were completed, that greatly increased the protected land in the inlet – something that “Mac” McDonald wished for, and wanted to pass on to following generations of boaters and admirers of the Inlet.

I am happy to report that at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) in December, as well as at our Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) in early January, the members voted to increase the board size to 12, from 10, and to put in place term limits and a board rotation cycle. This was done to bring in fresh ideas, from a more diverse group of like minded people. I would like to welcome Scott Gulick, Lynn Wingard, Alex Conconi and Don Prittie as newly elected Board members, and to thank departing Board members Jim Erickson and Bill Ireland, both of whom have provided outstanding service to the Society for many years, and who were both elected to the Director Emeritus position at the recent AGM.

With the addition of outstanding new Board members, and a renewed sense of purpose for the old hands, the Board has been busy updating and improving our internal processes and systems. We are implementing a new membership management system, new accounting systems and a new website which we hope you will enjoy. The trails, docks and facilities continue to require maintenance and our beloved BC Parks Ranger Ming Neal has been keeping a watchful eye out for our interests. We intend to communicate with you more frequently and provide updates on important Society matters.

As of this writing, it is unclear as to when and if the US/Canadian border will open this summer. The 2020 summer season boarder restriction impact was felt due to the closure in terms of reduced boater traffic to the inlet, particularly for visiting US boaters. As of now, we are still planning a Society BBQ on August 21, 2021 for our members and guests. At this event we also plan to celebrate and salute Members, Directors and donors who have provided distinguished service and support to the Inlet and the Society. Let’s hope that the current vaccination regime and progress will allow our members and guests to gather at the Inlet this summer.

Finally, if you are an annual member, or not a member, please consider donating and becoming a Life Member. Our ability to keep up with maintenance and repair requirements is contingent on collecting donations at the dock during the summer months as well as donations made through our website. Your support is deeply appreciated.

We hope to see you at the Inlet this summer. Please be safe and let’s all hope for a better 2021.

Yours Aye,

Bill Conconi

President, Princess Louisa International Society


Fall 2020 Update